
picture of Viroopaksh Chekuri

Nice to
meet you! I'm Chekuri Viroopaksh.

Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence Enthusiast | MS CS UC San Diego | BTech MME IIT Madras | BS in Data Science and Applications IIT Madras

Contact me



ML Algorithms

Sklearn, Numpy, Pandas, Seaborn and Matplotlib


Web Scraping, Web Development, ML and Programming

Software Engineering and Testing

SE Practices and JAM Stack

JAM Stack

Vue.js, API and Markup


Programming and Problem Solving

Data Structures and Algorithms

C++ and STL


PostgreSQL, DB Design and Management


Deep Reinforcement Learning

Q-learning, Actor-Critic, Stable Baselines and Gymnasium


Tensorflow and PyTorch

AI Search Methods

Path-Finding, Search and Game Theory algorithms


Bash, Sed and Awk



Business Analytics

Python and Excel


Research Internship at IIT Madras

(May 2023 - Dec 2023)

Working as a Research Intern under Prof. Ramanathan M in IIT Madras.

  • Currently serving as an intern at IIT Madras, where I collaborate on a research project under the guidance of Professor Ramanathan M in the Engineering Design Department.
  • My work revolves around leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including TensorFlow, CompIAM, essentia, librosa, and various Python libraries, to analyze and extract critical features from Carnatic music performances.
  • Specifically, I focus on identifying Raaga, tala, and other elements in Carnatic music concerts, as well as delving into the intricacies of extracting multiple strokes from mridangam music inputs.

Python Essentia Neural Networks Scikit-Learn

Summer NLP Internship at Willings Inc.

(May 2022 - July 2022)

Worked as an intern in an NLP team to build a resume classification model using Python and NLP.

  • During the summer of 2022, I had the privilege of interning remotely at Willings Inc. as a vital team member of the NLP (Natural Language Processing) team.
  • In this role, I actively contributed to the development of an NLP model, specialized in the extraction and classification of text within resumes.
  • My responsibilities included the proficient use of Spacy, Pyresparser, and sklearn libraries, enabling the model to extract and categorize textual information accurately.
  • Moreover, I participated in a challenging Machine Learning Competition organized by American Express (AMEX Prediction), further enriching my experience in the field of AI and machine learning.

Python Spacy Scikit-Learn NLP


Contact me
Screenshot of the RL agent learning to play the Snake Game

LearningSnake - Snake Game AI with Deep Reinforcemnt Learning

Torch Numpy Matplotlib Deep Q-Learning

screenshot of the streamlit data visualization dashboard

Streamboard - Data Visualization website using Streamlit

Streamlit Pandas XGBoost Seaborn

screenshot of the streamlit based to do list web app

To-Do-Stream - A Web based to-do list application created using streamlit

Streamlit Sqlite3

screenshot of design of calculator browser extension

Calculator Extension


screenshot of conway's game of life project

Conway's Game Of Life

Python PyGame

screenshot of Placement-Gyaan Portal


Python-Flask Sockets YAML API HTML CSS JavaScript

screenshot of Jupyter Notebook of Optical Analysis Project

Opticals Data Analysis

Jupyter Data Analysis Python

screenshot of Flash Card Project

Flask Flash Cards

Python-Flask Vue.Js Celery HTML CSS JavaScript YAML

screenshot of Virtual Assistant Icon

Virtual Assistant

Python Speech Recognition Web Browser

About Me

I am a technology enthusiast. I have worked on more than 45 courses over the last few years through different MOOCs such as Coursera, Udemy and NPTEL to develop my skills. I have listed them in my LinkedIn profile as a depiction for my interest and nature to work hard. I have been always interested and driven by technology to improve myself. Being an undergraduate from IITM, am also pursuing a B.Sc. degree in Data Science and Programming through online mode from IITM. I constantly learn and build.


I would love to hear about your projects and how I could help. Please send me a message and I shall reply as soon as possible.